Iszkula Orthodontics is based in Erie, PA. Whether you are age 7 or 70, they provide fully customized treatment options that perfectly fit an individual’s needs and budget. They have many ways to treat your smile. A few of the most common types of braces include ceramic braces, invisible braces, lingual braces, and traditional metal braces. Dr. Steven Iszkula and his staff genuinely care about their patients as individuals and always give their best efforts to ensure the health and comfort of their patients. Therefore, Dr. Iszkula recently installed a ZKTeco SpeedFace body temperature scanner in his office to ensure patients it’s safe to return to work.
Due to COVID, Iszkula Orthodontics needed to find a way to make patients and their families feel comfortable returning for their orthodontic work. Dr. Iszkula conducted personal research and determined screening his patients for elevated body temperature would help reinstall confidence his patients would not be exposed to other patients or office staff potentially having elevated temperature. He first used a little hand thermometer that was a non-touch, but it just didn’t seem to be very accurate and he didn’t trust it for his staff and patients. It also risks his pre-teen patients feeling frightened having his staff run a handheld scanner across their forehead.
Working closely with local security professional Gregg Butala and his team from Whitetail Electronics, Dr. Iszkula installed a ZKTeco touchless SpeedFace model SF1008+ body temperature scanner along with a numbered parking space strategy he implemented. Families first pull in to numbered spaces and then call from their phone to check-in. They are then greeted at their car, where non-patients (i.e. moms and siblings) stay inside the car during the patient’s appointment. There are no crowds in the waiting room. Then the patient gets their temperature screened by the SF1008+ while inside the office. If the patient passes the temperature scan, they proceed with their orthodontic treatment. However, if the patient fails the temperature scan, they’re asked to reschedule their appointment for another day.
Dr. Iszkula is completely satisfied with SF1008+ body temperature & mask detection and he’s enjoying seeing his patients returning for treatment. He’s received a ton of compliments about how smoothly everything went. Dr. Iszkula thinks everybody feels safe and are very understanding with some of the rule changes due to COVID-19.
“At the courthouse or a business that has an existing access control system, it could be tied into it that they won’t even get access through,” said Butala. “And somebody would be notified that they do have a temperature or are not wearing a mask. But it’s all programmable on what that particular person wants.”
“It comes down to be a peace of mind thing to make people comfortable that nobody’s in there with a fever,” said Whitetail President Gregg Butala. accuracy. Butala said that these screening devices, along with thermal cameras that can check the temperatures of lots of people entering a space are the wave of these COVID-19 times – maybe even at grocery store entrances or the courthouse..”